So many things

It’s been 2.5 weeks since I last had time or headspace to blog. To be honest, I probably don’t have time even now. There have been so many things taking my time and energy. I’m afraid that I am going to depend on bullet points now just to help my brain work through some ofContinue reading “So many things”

Touching base and staying grounded

I’ve just returned from a long overdue visit to a dear friend who I am going to refer to as Winnie (the Pooh). We have known each other some 15 years. And journeyed alongside each other through some pretty major life events, day to day discipleship, and everything in between. We have kept in touchContinue reading “Touching base and staying grounded”

Reading and writing

As regular readers will know, I am quite an avid reader. In normal circumstances I would average between 26-52 books every year, depending on my studies. In recent years it has been far higher, in fact last year it was more like a book each day rather than each week. As I wasn’t working orContinue reading “Reading and writing”