
On Saturday I made a significant step along my path. As it was me, of course, the steps were a bit wobbly and there were some tricky bits that only really affected me, not the rest of the cohort, but that’s what happens in life. You may remember me talking about a worship leader courseContinue reading “Commission”

Balancing it all

Boy, but there is a lot to balance now that my courses have started. And I am not sure that I have any of it really sorted. The actual class commitments are 1 hour of zoom each week for Biblical Hebrew, 1.5 hours of zoom each fortnight for New Testament Greek, and 3.5 hours inContinue reading “Balancing it all”

September in books

As I have started three courses, and continue with the last few sessions of the funeral ministry course, reading for pleasure took a bit of a hit in September. Only 16 books completed. And some of those were short too. I said that I finished Lord of the Rings trilogy in August but in factContinue reading “September in books”