Preparing the ground

The title of this blog has a gardening theme even though the contents are more about life. But I do like thinking in pictures, analogies, similes, metaphors, and even a cliche or two. This year has seen a lot of life and not very much gardening action. I wrote recently about how there is aContinue reading “Preparing the ground”

August reading

I know … it’s 22 days late …. I have had too much on this month to keep up with blogging on time. August continued with varied reading. There were series, classics, standalone contemporary novels, short stories, children’s books, theology, non-fiction, and pretty much everything in between. I have a copy of the complete worksContinue reading “August reading”

Back to school

I always loved going back to school, a lifetime ago when I was actually of school age. There was something about starting out with new books and timetables and pencil cases. Does anyone else remember that homework that first week of term was usually covering your new exercise books with leftover wallpaper? There have beenContinue reading “Back to school”

The disaster

I haven’t blogged for a couple of weeks. Mostly that was because I was too busy living life, celebrating my milestone birthday. But there has also been some difficulties that are affecting my mental health now as well. And I haven’t got the capacity to work it all out and come up with a nicelyContinue reading “The disaster”