The perfect marriage …

#theloveofmylife and I are facing some pretty big life changes. In fact this whole year has been challenging as there are so many changes happening. To start with me, there is this whole call to the priesthood. There is a long process to go through before I even start the training. That calls for aContinue reading “The perfect marriage …”

Figs … who knew?

Well, it’s a random post this week I admit. I’ve always liked figs. As a kid that usually meant dried figs at Christmas. And as an adult it might mean the occasional fresh fig with Parma ham at the very occasional dinner party. But then I moved to my forever home (at least for thisContinue reading “Figs … who knew?”

A random adventure

I’ve been trying to keep August clear for opportunities to practice co-leading funerals as part of my training as a funeral minister. They have come up. But so has the opportunity to visit with #theloveofmylife as he works away from home. As usual, this takes some planning for me. Cue the automatic cat feeding dishContinue reading “A random adventure”