Loving the body I have: trickier than I hoped

I mentioned recently on my blog that I am trying to love the body I actually have because it is the only one I have, it is fearfully and wonderfully made, and has survived a whole heap of trauma and frankly abuse and still manages to function. I mentioned this to someone in my vocationalContinue reading “Loving the body I have: trickier than I hoped”

Cheerio snakey

My home is quite quirky and has a small, semi covered courtyard in between the main house and the outhouse with the back door to the garden. It’s useful for us because neither of us smoke in the house but need somewhere relatively dry but well ventilated to indulge our habits. It also means thatContinue reading “Cheerio snakey”

July 23 in books

I can hardly believe how time flies, the end of July already. So time for a quick roundup of my reading this month. Peril in Paris was the latest release in the Her Royal Spyness series, set in 1930s Britain (and France) it follows the life and adventures of a fictional minor royal and weavesContinue reading “July 23 in books”

Car changes

The last month or so has been pretty busy for me between my usual activities, my funeral ministry course and vocations journey, and various family celebrations. But I realised this week that a lot of my stresses have been related to changes in both our cars. Due to changes in his work arrangements, #theloveofmylife decidedContinue reading “Car changes”


I’ve just had THE biggest deposit in my emotional bank from a weekend with family in Cornwall. As usual, because of my various disabilities, there were challenges to be sure. But oh my word, it was just bliss to be a part of the whole weekend. On Friday evening as people arrived from all overContinue reading “Bliss”

June 23 in books

Just 22 ‘books’ in June. I used inverted commas because some were really short, mostly fairy tales. But it brings my total to 140 for the year to date. Plenty of catching up on backlists of authors I have read before. The Praying for England was the book of the month for my vocations readingContinue reading “June 23 in books”