Vocations to ministry

Following on from the adventure of last weekend, this weekend saw me experiencing the grace of God as I went to a Vocation to ministry day at Gloucester Cathedral. A year ago I would not have been able to do it. Getting up and out of the house by 830am, driving to Gloucester, interacting andContinue reading “Vocations to ministry”

An adventure

Last weekend I had a bit of an adventure. It took some planning. And was mostly to help #theloveofmylife out by doing his commute for him, but with the side benefit of seeing some family I have missed out on seeing for months. Thanks to my church family, I was released from various duties toContinue reading “An adventure”

April in books

I continued with my diverse reading in April. Everything from nonfiction to fiction, contemporary, classics, series, and a mixture of audiobooks, ebooks, and real paper books. Dethroning mammon was written by Archbishop Justin Welby and was his Lent book in 2017. I read it as part of a vocations reading group. Some had struggled withContinue reading “April in books”

Just because I reached a plateau doesn’t mean I am immune to psychosomatic symptoms

I’ve felt rotten for the last two days and had a terrible night of insomnia. Having recently reached a plateau in my very long rehabilitation and said adieu to both my neuropsychologist and my OT, I faced a bit of an upset yesterday morning. I have been flying virtually solo on a community garden projectContinue reading “Just because I reached a plateau doesn’t mean I am immune to psychosomatic symptoms”