St George’s Day

Because of when St George’s Day is, 23rd April, it often falls within the Easter season. And as the church tends not to celebrate saints days on Sundays anyway, according to the lectionary it should be celebrated today. There is something strange about the national marking of our patron saint anyway. All the other nationsContinue reading “St George’s Day”

Another adieu

I seem to have reached a plateau. Last time I wrote (one of three blogs the same day) I had said au revoir to Sikes. Then last week I didn’t blog at all but had a couple of other see you laters. In the past few months I have been working with a private OTContinue reading “Another adieu”

Au revoir to Sikes

Last week something momentous happened. Regular readers will know that I have been engaged with treatment from my neuropsychologist, Sikes, for the last two or three years. She has been instrumental in getting me through rehabilitation from my spectacular dismount as well as unpacking the can of worms that was my psychology thanks to myContinue reading “Au revoir to Sikes”

March in books

I continue with a mix of audiobooks, ebooks, and regular paper books. March was a good month for reading. The first batch included a reread (Agatha Christie), a short essay, some classic children’s literature (made even better by being narrated by the fabulous Sandi Toksvig) and another must read. In the next batch I continueContinue reading “March in books”

Spring staycation

Last time I wrote I was starting my Spring staycation. And although it was done by the time last week’s blog was due I got a bit caught up with stuff and never did get to write about it. #theloveofmylife had annual leave that he needed to use up so we decided to enjoy thatContinue reading “Spring staycation”