January reading

It’s been quite a good month for reading. Well, for books. Several have been audiobooks. And one has been a combination of print and audio. There have also been ebooks, paperbacks, and even a library book or two. Almost half my reading has been non-fiction, a combination of memoirs, essays, journalism, and theology. I managedContinue reading “January reading”

A real, measurable physical result to confuse me

I had the unexpected opportunity, last week, of taking part in a discussion on living with chronic pain. The usual ground rules applied so I am not going to reveal the purpose of the discussion or the identities of anyone involved. However, it was an encouraging time for me personally. There were several different causesContinue reading “A real, measurable physical result to confuse me”

I really am only responsible for my own actions

I have been doing a lot of work with Sikes over the last year about how I developed my rescue fantasy, my control freak tendencies, various psychosomatic illnesses and related issues. Two conversations with #theloveofmylife last week highlighted how much progress I have made. I’ll tell you about the second of these first because itContinue reading “I really am only responsible for my own actions”

Hello new followers

When I started this blog, just over two years ago, I was a bit keen tracking my stats: how many views, comments, followers, what was the best day and time to post etc. As things have gone on I have been less vigilant in tracking the stats. But I obviously notice that I randomly getContinue reading “Hello new followers”

My 2022 in books

In 2021 I set a goal of a book per day which I ended up exceeding and had my personal best of 388 books for the year. So when I set my goal for 2022 I was conscious that I wanted to read or listen more intentionally, actually to enjoy my reading rather than justContinue reading “My 2022 in books”

New Year: time to embrace hibernation?

I usually love the New Year/ new start season but then feel all kinds of pressure and expectation and then guilt and despondency. So it was very refreshing to start reading The way back Almanac 2023 by Melinda Salisbury yesterday and consider her view that January is not the right time for resolutions and newContinue reading “New Year: time to embrace hibernation?”