Going to the races

This Monday morning finds me reeling from the events of Saturday night and Sunday. But as I am still trying to process what happened and how I feel about it and what I can learn from it I will concentrate this post on a fun outing on Saturday. Part of the attraction of living inContinue reading “Going to the races”

The changing challenge of pacing for life

My regular readers will know that I have had a somewhat love/hate relationship with the idea of pacing. In my previous, professional life, it was a concept that I often recommended but never really thought that it applied to me. I was always taking on too many projects, commitments and work and then paying aContinue reading “The changing challenge of pacing for life”

Home improvements and Spring cleaning

Before I start writing I just want to say how grateful I am that I can even write this stuff. My life is not in danger, my home has not been bombed, I have not been raped or had to watch as my husband has been executed. And I am not a refugee stuck inContinue reading “Home improvements and Spring cleaning”

Quarter 1 books

Having exceeded a book per day in 2021 I thought I might slow down the reading a bit in 2022. But as my January reading wrap up showed, it took a while to actually slow down. I finished 29 books in January alone. It seems that I am curating my own life. I had quiteContinue reading “Quarter 1 books”