What a difference the sun makes

A few years ago I used to suffer quite badly from SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I am sure that you will have heard of the winter blues, well SAD is the winter blues on steroids. Once the clocks change in October the lethargy, low mood, craving for stodgy food, and desire to hibernate all stackContinue reading “What a difference the sun makes”

Gleneagles and other adventures

A memory has just started appearing on my Facebook account which fits in with at least two of my mini-series themes, travels with #theloveofmylife and adventures in Lycra. As I started to think about writing this, I was also conscious of how I started to blog, thinking about dividing life into before and after. AndContinue reading “Gleneagles and other adventures”

Can of worms

Isn’t it interesting how so many things are connected? I mentioned this to Sikes during our session last week. When I pull on one thread of my psychology I find that all kinds of things happen in various different aspects of life that are connected to that thread. Some of those things seem to beContinue reading “Can of worms”

A Sunday outing

Last week was quite a mixed one for me. There was progress in various activities that are of value to me, and part of my acceptance and commitment therapy with my psychologist Sikes. But there was also some pain, fatigue, upsets and I guess general payback. Of course, it was the start of Lent, oneContinue reading “A Sunday outing”