Finishing off the year with books

Having posted as usual on Monday, I thought I would just update the last few days of my year in books. I was away in Scotland for Christmas with friends which was wonderful. The 8+ hour drive home gave me opportunity to listen to more books and the rest and recovery since then has helpedContinue reading “Finishing off the year with books”

The year in books

I remember reading somewhere, years ago, that the average reader only reads less than 3,000 books in a lifetime. And as the British Library holds more than 25 million books, there are a lot of books to choose from. I thought I read a lot but never seemed to do very well on book listContinue reading “The year in books”

Reposting: The spectacular dismount

When I started writing this blog I had a reasonably clear plan for what I wanted to write in the first few posts. Do any other writers find that they get carried away with their writing and it takes them to places they hadn’t expected to be? I seem to have been a bit distractedContinue reading “Reposting: The spectacular dismount”

Angel monologue and a dream come true

Tomorrow is the fourth anniversary of my spectacular dismount, and I have scheduled a repost of the story. So in the meantime, as it’s Monday, I thought I would share something I did earlier this month. When we were planning the Christmas carol service for the local scouts I mentioned that when I was youngContinue reading “Angel monologue and a dream come true”


This time of year is filled with birthdays and anniversaries for me. Some of them happy, some sad, some bittersweet. And some life changing but hard to categorise. All made more poignant simply because of the time of year. Today is a heavenly birthday for my Mum. The sixteenth since she left us. There areContinue reading “Anniversaries”

The tapestry of life

This Autumn I have marked the 16th birthday of at least four different family and friends. It made me wonder what I was doing sixteen years ago. And I was amazed at the pattern of the various strands of experience and thoughts that led to. So I take you back to 2005. It was aContinue reading “The tapestry of life”