Is it finally time for a GP appointment?

That wasn’t the title that I have had in mind all weekend. But I am determined that this blog is not the place to tell other people’s stories no matter how much they affect me. Suffice it to say that I have been struggling with increased fatigue, pain, and dizziness this week. And it ledContinue reading “Is it finally time for a GP appointment?”

Saying no to good in order to say yes to better

I wrestled with saying no last week. My body hurt and my brain was exhausted but for some reason I couldn’t speak up. I ended up upsetting someone because it was only at the last minute that I finally said STOP. I had made the mistake, a regular event throughout my life, of saying yesContinue reading “Saying no to good in order to say yes to better”

Using simple language to explain complex health issues

I’m in two minds about writing this particular topic. I REALLY don’t want any of the dearly loved people in my life to have any regrets about anything to do with me. I have loved all the visits I have made or received in the last week or so and wouldn’t have changed any ofContinue reading “Using simple language to explain complex health issues”

Kernow and the multiple talents of family

As I started to think about what I might blog on Monday, it occurred to me that life is often like a spiral staircase. The same people, places, issues and lessons come around regularly but are approached from slightly different perspectives. This was as I was being driven through the south west of England andContinue reading “Kernow and the multiple talents of family”