In Clover

How is everybody? Last week, in the UK, or at least in my bit of England, there was a bit of a heatwave. I guess because we are not set up for extremes of weather (just a sprinkling of snow brings travel chaos and shuts schools these days, and with very little air conditioning aroundContinue reading “In Clover”

The tortoise and the hare

This weekend #theloveofmylife paid me a compliment that resonated with me and my psychology in recent months. I casually noted, as we sat in the cool of the evening, that I had not been completely lazy in the weekend. I had done laundry, changed bedding, weeded some flower beds, and cleared some space for GoldenContinue reading “The tortoise and the hare”

Sleep, insomnia, fatigue and life after traumatic brain injury

I remember going to see my GP 2.5 years ago, I was in tears with frustration about my slow recovery. I’d had an unrealistic expectation that I would have been back to my pre-injury self within weeks of my spectacular dismount. And as I approached the first anniversary I was just beginning to realise thatContinue reading “Sleep, insomnia, fatigue and life after traumatic brain injury”