Carving out recovery time

In the post last week I carried out a bit of an audit of my current symptoms and (dis)abilities. I was also very aware that I am moving into a wonderful season feeling that I am fulfilling my purpose. And that nothing is wasted, that I have been prepared for such a time as this.

I talked about fatigue being my constant companion. And balancing demands and resources (of energy) is a daily challenge. That is not a complaint so much as a statement. We all have to balance those things daily even if the demands and resources are different.

On Thursday, Friday and Saturday I had the huge privilege and blessing to spend time with my sister and brother-in-law. Readers will know that I tend to give people pseudonyms and I am debating whether to refer to that particular bro-in-law as Bandit, a reference to his golfing handicap. Maybe that sister could be Inspirosis, the big sister who is increasingly becoming an inspiration. Anyways …

For various reasons that we need not dig into now, we did not know Bandit well before the visit. So it was wonderful to a) get to know him some more and b) find that we both really like and respect him. And I would go so far as to say that I am/we are proud to call him brother.

On Saturday morning, before parting after the visit, we arranged for The Girl to join us all for breakfast. Imagine my delight to introduce two of the people I love and find that they like each other too.

After breakfast I grabbed an hour of quiet time to rest ahead of a BBQ to celebrate a grandboy’s birthday. I was surprised that I managed to talk and laugh and be family for as long as I did that day. A wonderful time of just being together. Over time we have learned how to make small adjustments that help, whether it is taking picnic chairs so that I can sit and rest, or timing medication so that I can function through discomfort or pain, or using humour to distract us. Even small things like being an enthusiastic spectator and cheerleader rather than a participant in the rowdy game of musical chairs that helped me be a full part of the celebration.

When we got home that evening I withdrew straight to my bed to rest quietly and start to recover. It is a community effort. Family have been wonderful, every single one of them, at recognising my need for rest, making allowances, enabling me to recover and refill resources.

It’s not just family. It’s church family and community too. There were two times last week where I had gotten a little distracted by things going on and had missed zoom meetings. I was the beneficiary of loving enquiries, forgiveness, and support. Even the simple thing like being able to join the Sunday service at church from bed (it’s ok, I didn’t put them through the trauma of seeing my bleary eyes and bed hair, I kept my camera off).

So this week I have found myself carving out times for recovery. That has included napping after an outing to get my hair done. And taking 5 days to write this post rather than the 2-3 hours on Monday afternoon. And letting #theloveofmylife do the early morning task of ensuring grandgirl gets off to school ok. It’s been a determined effort to grab opportunities for rest rather than opportunities to cram in more activities.

Even the image at the top was taken during a ‘stolen’ rest. The day before the haircut my two housemates needed to go into town for some jobs. I was able to join them for a coffee in the sunshine which was lovely. And then I rested some whilst they went to get groceries. All part of me learning to bloom where I am planted.

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