
Several things on my mind this week so you lovely readers get a mix of my musings to ‘enjoy’. I often think in pictures so I really like analogies. Last week I saw one from mindful christianity, (on Facebook) which I shared as I liked it so much. Imagine that you have a cup ofContinue reading “Musings”

Managing my days with purpose

Last week was hectic by my standards. I am truly feeling that this season is what I have been prepared for in so many different ways. As I thrive on the things that are my purpose, or to quote the blog title again, as I learn to bloom where I am planted, there is stillContinue reading “Managing my days with purpose”

When independence can be a barrier to community

Historically I would have chosen to be identified as independent. In some ways I was forced into it by having to earn my own living from the age of 16 and having a home environment at the time that I was keen to escape. I have maintained that drive in myself throughout most of myContinue reading “When independence can be a barrier to community”

Carving out recovery time

In the post last week I carried out a bit of an audit of my current symptoms and (dis)abilities. I was also very aware that I am moving into a wonderful season feeling that I am fulfilling my purpose. And that nothing is wasted, that I have been prepared for such a time as this.Continue reading “Carving out recovery time”