Returning to the mini-series: travels with #theloveofmylife

As it’s the start of the Easter holidays, The Girl is home from Uni. We have roped her in to odd jobs in the garden. And she has spent several hours with her Dad building an arbor seat for me from scratch. How awesome to have such talented people around me! And then yesterday, asContinue reading “Returning to the mini-series: travels with #theloveofmylife”

Spring in the garden

I am calling a brief halt to my trip down memory lane thinking about travels with #theloveofmylife to consider Spring in the garden. Having moved house in the depths of both winter and another lockdown it has been slightly harder to learn how to bloom where I am planted. But, just as the sun alwaysContinue reading “Spring in the garden”


Does anyone else look at those questions on social media what’s on your mind? and think where do I start?? So many things going through my mind this week, not least a kind of thought audit I have been thinking of doing as part of various devotional readings. I’ll start with blogging. I wonder, andContinue reading “Musings”

Resuming the trip down memory lane: travels with #theloveofmylife, part 2

As I start to write I am sat outside in the early Spring sunshine. I have a heat pack in the small of my back, partly for warmth on a chilly morning but mostly to ease the constant ache of my damaged back. I have my feet propped up on the well in front ofContinue reading “Resuming the trip down memory lane: travels with #theloveofmylife, part 2”

Diversion from my trip down memory lane

In recent weeks I have been thinking about the travels I have been blessed to do and have been on a journey down memory lane. But, as we start a new month I thought I might take a slight diversion from the physical travels and consider the journeys of my imagination this year. As IContinue reading “Diversion from my trip down memory lane”