Mental flexibility

Well there’s an interesting headline! Today I had my first ‘check in’ session with Sikes. We had about 6 sessions in the Autumn and the lead up to the big move just before Christmas and did some good work on my psychology. Then a review of how the move went immediately before Christmas. So todayContinue reading “Mental flexibility”


I am not quite sure, as I start writing, what my main topic is this week. In the last week I have had several things I was thinking about and although I will start with one I may end up wandering a little. I would apologise and say it’s the result of my TBI butContinue reading “Choices”

First steps

Having set the scene, starting the New Year in a new home and with a newly ‘semi-retired’ husband I am making a start on those habits that will help me to bloom where I am planted. Normally, when people move house, they can get out and meet people and get into community activities. With lockdownContinue reading “First steps”

New Year musings

Welcome to 2021. I remember my horror when a young person I knew was learning about Tiananmen Square in her A-level history class. My horror was that something I remember happening was being taught as history. So it is with almost equal horror I think back to the turn of the millennium and all theContinue reading “New Year musings”