Our four words

Way back in 2014, before #theloveofmylife and I were even engaged, I was doing my usual combination of business plan and personal continuing professional development review at the end of my business year. It was my regular practice to review how business had been and work out the plan for the year ahead. As IContinue reading “Our four words”

‘Tis the season

We have just passed the fourth Sunday of Advent. The season is more than just a daily chocolate as we count down to Christmas. It’s actually a season of preparation, reflection and waiting. To welcome again the Christ Child but also looking forward to the Second Coming. For me, this whole year has been aContinue reading “‘Tis the season”

Size and weight

Despite it being Advent and a busy season of online shopping, and posting Christmas presents, this is not about postage costs 😂 For those who have read this blog from the start, you will have read about some of my previous struggles. As a child I was tall for my age but not fat. ThereContinue reading “Size and weight”