Beginning with the end in mind

My psychologist wants me to come up with a list ready for my next appointment. Basically, it’s the values that I will build upon. Sounds daunting. But when I think about it, I have been preparing for this for years. And my spectacular dismount has been the catalyst for getting me to the right placeContinue reading “Beginning with the end in mind”

Books and jigsaw pieces

I couldn’t decide which to write about. So you are getting both. I have always been a reader. My Mum used to take me to the library every week and I always took out the maximum I was allowed. I remember as a child reading things that were probably beyond me. I read a fairContinue reading “Books and jigsaw pieces”

Head knowledge versus heart knowledge

Back in my student nurse days I remember a lecture on the psychology of chronic pain. And I got some more head knowledge. The idea being that generally people cope better with acute pain (which lasts a short time and has a purpose, e.g. surgery, childbirth etc) than they do with chronic pain that hasContinue reading “Head knowledge versus heart knowledge”

Mental health

Well that’s a scary title. I actually wrote this blog before I realised that it is World Mental Health Day on 10th October 2020. So it seems fitting. We all have it in some way, and it will vary from day to day. It is a continuum, a sliding-scale. Some days it’s great, some daysContinue reading “Mental health”

It’s not about geography, at least not much

All the time that I have been writing this blog I have been trying to move house. So I wanted to make clear that the space where I am planted is not tied to a physical location. It is much more abstract than that. Obviously, there is the sudden disability. I say sudden because theContinue reading “It’s not about geography, at least not much”