A journey to zero waste

I am going a little off piste with this one. According to my plan I shouldn’t be writing about zero waste for another month or so. But I have discovered that writing takes me to different places. It takes longer to tell some stories than I had thought. And reducing my impact on the planetContinue reading “A journey to zero waste”

The world of work

Back in Adventures in Lycra I wrote about a slipped disc that was the best thing that happened because it led to me finding my perfect job. I had already been wondering what to specialise in, it’s quite normal within nursing to have a period of consolidation when you first qualify and then to findContinue reading “The world of work”

The aftermath

As I start writing I have literally just published The spectacular dismount, and I still have goosebumps. It’s almost three years later and there are still emotions around the whole event. When I woke up in hospital that Christmas Eve, unable to sit up more than 30 degrees and still needing 4 people to log-rollContinue reading “The aftermath”

The spectacular dismount

When I started writing this blog I had a reasonably clear plan for what I wanted to write in the first few posts. Do any other writers find that they get carried away with their writing and it takes them to places they hadn’t expected to be? I seem to have been a bit distractedContinue reading “The spectacular dismount”

Further adventures in Lycra

You would think that after the triumph of crossing the finish line of the London Marathon that my life in exercise would continue smoothly. That was not the case. I had taken a couple of days off work to recover which was a good idea. The blisters under the toenails, the only ones I got,Continue reading “Further adventures in Lycra”